Sunday, November 30, 2008

News - A holiday from national insurance

Gary Hull, an national farmer union insurance consultant from PricewaterhouseCoopers, says a rise in the uptake of the scheme will mean a higher cost to the Exchequer, but american national insurance co need ‘clarity’ on how they can ...

News - National Insurance explained

The National Insurance system pays for a number of benefits and the retirement pension. Most people who work have to pay National Insurance Contributions (NI) unless they are one of the groups who are exempt from the system.

Online Auto Insurance Quotes The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Chosing the right auto insurance these days can be pretty tough. After all, we have so many different options available to us.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Texas Home Insurance Guide

Laws governing the sale of home insurance vary by state and if you contact an agent that lives and works in the same state as you, they will have a better understanding about the geographical needs of the homeowners.

News - QA: National Insurance rise

From April 2003 many Britons will have to pay more National Insurance. BBC News Online examines the everest national insurance company. I pay NI but my mother is approaching retirement and earns only a little.

Compulsory Insurance Law | Auto Insurance Law

The Compulsory Insurance Law webpage links to each of the webpages on this site that provide a summary of the auto insurance law for each state...

Nothing left after health insurance

by Jessica Yates—Pennsylvania. While canvassing in a trailer park, I met a young couple with a little girl. We talked about the high cost and inaccessibility of health care.